The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, Dir. Robert Weine (1920) can easily be categorised as one of the first ever horror films and certainly a key influencer of a number of modern films that I will point out to you, just in case they aren't blatantly obvious to you.
This story of The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari follows a young man share his story of a travelling fair and the sinister Dr. Caligari and his somnambulist, Cesare. Before you Google it for yourself, like I did the first time I read about this film, a somnambulist is a sleepwalker and in some texts is described as a zombie. In The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, Cesare the somnambulist, is a sideshow attraction, stored in a coffin like box, Cesare predicts the future.
Being a film within the German Expressionist movement, The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari uses painted sets and dramatic make up to represent lighting, shadows and to create drama to the set and story. For me, it's the set and costume design which makes this film a entry in the 1001 films to watch before you die. With it being an a very early film, I'm sure it won't keep many people engaged with it's story, despite it being decent and the start of a trend.
The thing that really opened my eyes with The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, is that all those teeny goth kids that obsess over the 'genius' that is Tim Burton and about how original and creative he is are all wrong. For one, Edward Scissorhands is clearly based on the character of Cesare, don't you think?
In fact, Tim Burton's entire 'iconic' style is clearly German Expressionism for the modern day I say, check out these historic movies and learn about the inspiration behind a modern film 'hero'.
So, in my opinion, although I'm sure some people will struggle to remain engaged with The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, you have got to remember that this is an example of one of the first ever horror films, to be a true horror fan you have to see this movie. Plus, if you're going to learn about German Expressionism, this is one of two that I would recommend. The other will be reviewed, very, very soon.
That's all folks (for now)! If you like what I have to say, you can let me know on Twitter (@JayneKitsch) or via a comment below.
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